Posted: March 3rd, 2010 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing | No Comments »
I have begun work on serveral new projects, so I am taking a sabbatical from Looming Tech. Check out some of the projects I am working on now below:
Lone Iguana
Old Radio Detective: Old Radio Detective Shows, and Podcast
Stretching Cow: A Compilation of Links for Educators
Weekly post at Lost in Technology
Posted: February 13th, 2010 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing | Tags: apple, itunes, music | No Comments »
The writer of this post compiles the latest tech news and more at Squealing Rat, and writes about tricks and tips of deception, trickery and survival at Lone Iguana. Find him on Twitter.
Apple acquired Lala. This is (hopefully) a move that will be hugely beneficial to the consumer. Here is a possibility for the future of this: 
1. Apple uses Lala to create online version of iTunes, comparable to Amazon MP3.
2. Apple allows you to store all of your music in the service, for free, in hopes that the more you use it, the more music you buy and the more you will use Apple hardware.
3. Apple will take the online iTunes, and use it as a base to build a multimedia store, featuring a video service similar to Netflix Streaming.
4. iPhone and iPad application.
5. Pricing change, become a similar pricing model to Spotify.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
Photo: Ferrari + caballos + fuerza = cerebro Humano
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Posted: January 24th, 2010 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Guesswork | Tags: acquisition, apple, sd card | No Comments »
The writer of this post compiles the latest tech news and more at Squealing Rat, and writes about tricks and tips of deception, trickery and survival at Lone Iguana. Find him on Twitter.
Apple, the all mysterious company may be contemplating whether to acquire companies. After Lala, and that maps company,Â
there is a good chance that Apple will acquire something else. Here are a few predictions.
Talked about previously, there is a good chance that Apple will acquire EyeFi because of the moves it has made in its hardware line for SD card slots.
Wireless Network
Forget Google, could you imagine Apple with a wireless network? No more crappy AT&T, the iPhone could reach its full capacity, and not be hindered by moronic moves. In addition, a network would be great for a tablet or netbook.
Zoho Docs
With iWork, it is clear that Apple is making the move to the cloud. With this Google Docs competitor, Apple could use the infrastructure to create a worthy online office suite.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
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Posted: January 18th, 2010 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing, Guesswork | Tags: 3g, apple, sd card | 4 Comments »
The writer of this post compiles the latest tech news and more at Squealing Rat, and writes about tricks and tips of deception, trickery and survival at Lone Iguana. Find him on Twitter.
I have spoken about SD cards and Apple before, but recently, while listening to TWiT, I came up with an alternative explanation for the seemingly uncommented-on addition of an SD card slot to new computers. Here is my prediction:
1. Apple will update all hardware to have a SD slot (Air, iPhone and Tablet included).
2. Apple will begin the push from CDs to SD cards with OS install and software on both cards and CDs.
3. Apple will acquire EyeFi for SD card technology.
4. Apple, in partnership with Verizon or AT&T, will create an SD card that not only has storage and GPS capabilities, but a 3G connection that provides internet.
5. Apple will encourage the population to sign up for the service, which provides you with one SD card that is compatible with all Apple hardware.
Use Case: I purchase the service, perhaps $100 and can buy the card in the store or online. I recieve the card, activate it using iTunes and plug it in to my MacBook Air. I decide I want to go out for a while, grab the SD card, and plug it into my tablet, bringing it with me on the trip. I can have fast enough internet to stream music or to check email.
As I write this, I realize that Apple could sell you multiple cards, and you could use only one at a time, depending on your plan. In addition, the use of MobileMe could integrate nicely, letting you deactivate a computer’s connection and the like.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
Photo: asalmeron
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Posted: December 24th, 2009 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing | Tags: apple, cloud, os, server | No Comments »
With the news about Apple and servers, people are wondering what Apple is up to. If you hadn’t heard, Apple recently created a server farm in North Carolina. Now, because Apple is mostly a hardware company, people are beginning to wonder why they did that. Here are some
Apple has always depended on iTunes to bring attention to iPods. Perhaps in the future a faster iTunes is in order. The rumors have also been circulating about a more social iTunes. Maybe a better cloud version will be part of the updates.
This idea has become increasingly apparent with Apple’s latest move to purchase Lala, a online music collection service.
Maybe in the next couple of operating systems, Apple will release an attempt at a cloud operating system. With the latest announcement of Chrome OS, an operating system that will rely heavily on the cloud, I wonder if Apple is aiming to do the same thing. What would happen if Apple’s Lion would be in the cloud?
The ability to access your operating system from anywhere has been seen in the school system and some businesses. An Apple operating system in the cloud would be a fascinating idea that seems like the future of operating systems.
Finally, MobileMe, Apple’s service that provides syncing your entire account to computers, iPhones and the cloud. But with the service, we can finally connect the dots. Imagine if your MobileMe account ($99 per year at the present time) was your account for accessing your cloud operating system and iTunes music collection online? Suddenly, most of your world at Apple is online, accessible from anywhere. I think I just blew my own mind.
What do you think of the possibilities of Apple in the cloud? Let us know in the comments.
Bonus thoughts:
*The announcement of the said to be Apple tablet in January may be running a version of a cloud operating system, a thought that could be just the beginning of Apple’s future in the cloud.
*Microsoft is on the same path to cloud operating systems.
Post by Looming Tech. Find us on Twitter and check out our other blog, Squealing Rat.
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Photo: karlrpet
Posted: December 5th, 2009 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: The Looming Question | Tags: next article, writing | No Comments »
Welcome to the beginning of a new series, The Looming Question. The Looming Question will be a weekly question, encouraging comments and suggestions on predictions.
Question of the Week:
What should I be writing about?
I would love to get suggestions and comments on stories that I should be writing about. Let me know in the comments!
Post by Looming Tech. Find us on Twitter and check out our other blog, Squealing Rat.
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Posted: November 22nd, 2009 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing | Tags: audio, future, google, prediction | No Comments »
What’s the future of Google and audio?
When you think about, Google has really just been crawling towards the hidden search destination: audio.
Audio is a huge category of media content that in the past has been difficult to index and search for one simple reason: good technology for transcribing audio does not exist. Sure, there have been attempts like Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Jott.
From Google 411 to Google Voice, Google seems to be getting into the big topic of audio. Here are couple of events in the near future:
-Indexing every video’s audio file on YouTube. YouTube is a huge Google sub-company. There is a lot of content on Youtube that is just sitting there, waiting for something. And, with Google’s latest move to provide CC for videos, it seems like searching the audio of videos is just around the bend.
-Perfecting a speech to text conversion tool from data from Google Voice and Google 411. Google Voice and Google 411 are excellent services that use speech to text conversion. Google also has an iPhone app that works as well. All of these inputs can be used by Google to help create the best speech to text tool out there.
-Indexing and converting to text all audio on the net,, podcasts, all audio in videos, etc. With podcasts, videos and, being able to index all of the audio on the internet would be a wonderful feather in Google’s cap.
What do you think about the future of Google and audio? Let us know in the comments!
Post by Looming Tech. Find us on Twitter and check out our other blog, Squealing Rat.
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Photo: Junyu Wang
Posted: November 15th, 2009 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Foreshadowing | Tags: acquisition, google | No Comments »
Google. The massive search company. Arguably, the best suite of online services out there. What will Google buy? Read on.
Recently, Eric Schmidt of Google announced that Google would start buying companies again. Here are some of the companies Google will buy.
Dropbox: This is one that I would love to see happen, just because it would make Google Docs so much easier to use. The ideal setup would be that Google would purchase Dropbox, let people continuing using it the way they would, but increase storage capacity, and add functionality that would allow you to sync your documents up to Google Docs. We saw this for Syncplicity, but a Dropbox, Google Docs integration would be amazing. is another one about storage. This would be interesting if Google acquired it because it would indicate another direction Google is heading off in. Maybe Google would go this way, just because it would reach a new audience, and get Google in the storage business. It would be a must have if they acquired Dropbox. Can you imagine a Dropbox,, Google Docs integration? Wow, I just blew my own mind.
Jott/reQall/Dial2Do: This acquisition would just be amazing because best use case, Google would integrate with Google Voice. Then integrate with Google Tasks, and suddenly, your whole life is in Google.
Some Kind Of Data Network: This one is a great subject to delve into. I won’t, just because of time, but if Google aquired a data network, I could imagine chaos ensuing. If the FCC approved this move, then Google could dominate the wireless data market, offering free internet in exchange for the use of people’s data. Anti-trust law suits, here we come!
There you have it. Just a couple of guesses to what Google will buy. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
Post by Looming Tech. Find us on Twitter and check out our other blog, Squealing Rat.
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Photo: Google Logos
Posted: November 10th, 2009 | Author: squealingrat | Filed under: Discovered | Tags: gaming, mashable | No Comments »
Mashable wrote an article on The Future of Gaming: 5 Social Predictions. A must read.
Post by Looming Tech. Find us on Twitter and check out our other blog, Squealing Rat.
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