Category Archives: Random Squeaks

HTML5 Video Test

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Does iPad Have Multitasking?

Yes, but only for native applications (applications written by Apple). This means that you can listen to music using the iPod application while reading a book using the iBooks application, but you can’t listen to the iPod application while using … Continue reading

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The Best TED Talks [Learn From Others]

TED is one of the best knowledge resources on the web. It includes wonderful, educational talks that provide insight and charisma to you day. The only issue- there are way too many to watch. Below is a list I have … Continue reading

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TWiT Prank

On Sunday, March 7th, during the live taping of TWiT, episode 238, Leo Laporte pranked one Twitter account by sending everyone to a random account, @LisaTickledPink and following her. Within 20 minutes, she received more than 2,000 followers. Kevin Rose … Continue reading

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beginner buisness

Ah, Craigslist. The source of all unintended humor. Above is a request for a website. Enjoy.

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What’s New

Here’s a quick update: Now the official blogger at This Week in Android Updating post frequency at Lost in Technology to once a week Started new blog, Lone Iguana, that features tricks and tips of deception, trickery and survival

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How To Keep Eyes Riveted on Your Presentation

Just wrote an article over at Lost in Technology on How To Keep Eyes Riveted on Your Presentation.

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Cal Johnson Lyrics….

Post by Squealing Rat. Find him on Twitter and check out his latest blog, Looming Tech. Wow. I just spent 10 minutes listening to and transcribing this. If you don’t have a life, just watch the part below to sing … Continue reading

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6 Ways to Backup And Recover Important Data

[Post originally published on The 2.0 Life. See the post here.] 6 Ways to Backup And Recover Important Data July 29, 2009 in Software, Tech in Your World Post by The 2.0 Life contributor Squealing Rat. Find him on Twitter. … Continue reading

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Use the Internet to Get Free Stuff

[Post originally published on Lost in Technology. See the post here.] The internet is a place of wonders, leaps of faith, media and ways to save money. What? Save money? How? Many leap at the flashing ads on the sides … Continue reading

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