Monthly Archives: March 2010
My Experience Switching From Firefox to Google Chrome at Lost in Tech
My Experience Switching From Firefox to Google Chrome. It is odd that after I wrote that I switched back to Firefox, I switched again back to Chrome?
What’s the Buzz with Buzz and Buzzers and Buzzing at Lost in Tech
What’s the Buzz with Buzz and Buzzers and Buzzing at Lost in Technology.
Why You Should Use Google Voice at Lost in Tech
My latest post at Lost in Technology is Why You Should Use Google Voice. Enjoy.
The Best TED Talks [Learn From Others]
TED is one of the best knowledge resources on the web. It includes wonderful, educational talks that provide insight and charisma to you day. The only issue- there are way too many to watch. Below is a list I have … Continue reading
Two Major Security Flaws, A Rant and The Fixes
Two Major Security Flaws, A Rant and The Fixes is the latest article of mine at Lost in Technology.
SXSW 2010 Music Download and Streaming without using torrents
I have been working on opening up all the available SXSW 2010 music on my website, in both streaming and download form. If you don’t want to use the torrents, this is for you. The site for free SXSW 2010 … Continue reading
TWiT Prank
On Sunday, March 7th, during the live taping of TWiT, episode 238, Leo Laporte pranked one Twitter account by sending everyone to a random account, @LisaTickledPink and following her. Within 20 minutes, she received more than 2,000 followers. Kevin Rose … Continue reading
beginner buisness
Ah, Craigslist. The source of all unintended humor. Above is a request for a website. Enjoy.