December 11th, 2010 § § permalink
Use online website where you can upload sound clip, or record directly. Translates into actual phone number.
DTMF decoder would basically take the audio of anyone dialing a phone number and translate that into an actual phone number (ex. listening to a show where host calls someone over speakerphone, you could get that audio and using this get the phone number.) Perfect kind of neat tool to go on, one of my sites. It is definitely a niche product.
December 11th, 2010 § § permalink
December 11th, 2010 § § permalink
A network for people who love to create apps, websites and services. The projects people come up with are built through crowd sourcing.
(like Quirky, but for internet ideas)
Key Features:
Project pages, with way to join/follow a particular project
Project pages must have a way to upload information, including designs and code
Profile pages with way to contact person and see what projects they’ve joined
Ideas for names:
DIMP (designers, idea-ers, marketers, programmers)
crtr (creator)
prtnr/partnr (domain is available for
Buzzing Bees (bees work hard, and different bees have different jobs in one big hive)
December 11th, 2010 § § permalink
Very simple web application that basically creates 1 never ending, community created music playlist that anyone can add a song to. (Might have to limit # of songs added per day per IP.) The uniqueness of this idea would be based around not actually looking for similar music to what you like, but exposing visitors to a hugely diverse list of songs that would allow people to find new and completely different songs that they might not ordinarily listen to.
December 11th, 2010 § § permalink
Really simple audio recorder for the web, which allows one-click recording, and then gives you many options for uploading, i.e. (to ftp, to email, download, to twitter, to Myna, sign up/sign in to own site account, to Tumblr, to phone, to, along with a short url where people can go, and comment and listen. The goal would be to role out the bare minimum audio recorder, and add more of the listed features with growth… The recorder should also have the ability to place markers throughout the audio, so that you can go back to a place that you marked easily.